Thursday, October 6, 2011

IPhone 4S-A Machine with a Soul

While expected, the news still struck like a thunderbolt when the parting of the greatest innovator of our time was materialized on October 5, 2011.

Two years ago, a young Chinese was seeking funding for his keyboard through LinkedIn. The first impression I got instantly with his sleek design was: “Wow! This is Apple type product and the concept was generated by a Chinese.” Even though I had no clue whether his idea could be realized from technical perspective, I still spent lengthy time talking to him and offering advice in terms of financing from the other end of the planet. The guy disappeared from my life shortly after. But one of his words has always been lingering in my head: “I want to be a Chinese Steve Jobs.“

Frankly speaking, I was never a big fan of Apple. After I first got in touch with Macintosh many years ago, Apple had gradually phased out of my memory. When Apple was struggling with waves of bad news, I was busy immersing in the Windows world. Even with Steve Jobs’ return and subsequent launch of one cool new product after another, I was still stubbornly loyal to Microsoft and Blackberry for quite a number of years. Last year I could no longer resist the temptation and replaced my old gadget with MacBook Air, inevitably leading to a full surrender to other “I” products in six months. Like many others, I have finally fallen under the magic spell of Apple and its co-founder.

Despite his egomaniacal personality and close to totalitarian management style, Steve’s speech “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” delivered at the Commencement Ceremony of Stanford University in 2005 was so captivating and inspiring, needless to say the enormity of his contribution to the tech world and impact on everyone’s life. If Daniel Boorstin were able to rewrite his Knowledge Trilogy, Steve Jobs would undoubtedly have occupied an important chapter in each of his three books: the Discoverer of technology and business convention that have revolutionized computer/consumer electronics, music and movie industry; the Creator of artistry and fashion in seemingly boring technology that has rocked the popular culture; the Seeker of simplicity and perfection without the compromise of sophistication in product design coupled with theatricality in product presentation that has always carried an aura of mystery yet irresistible conviction.

Now it seems no more surprising that IPhone 4S instead of IPhone 5 was released the day before the man took his permanent leave of absence. It is a dedication to a Visionary and Genius of Our Time: IPhone for Steve!

May His Soul Rest in Peace!

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