Three weeks ago my boy proudly showed me all his work done in the month of October at school. While I was reading each page of his masterpiece and listening to his explanation, I caught up his write-up for Thanksgiving.
"I am thankful for my family because I like to play with them. I am thankful for my mom because she cares for me and saves money for me in the bank. I am thankful for my food so I can get healthier and so I can grow. I am thankful for the sun so when I get cold, I go in the sun and warm up."
Unable to hold my laughter, I grabbed him into my arms and gave him a big kiss on his rosy cheek. "Good job! Mommy is so proud of you. Remember, always be thankful."
As my boy bounced away merrily to play with his toys, I sat down beside the table and opened up the pictures Shirley took for him at the first tee at the Lakeside golf course at Deerhurst resort during the Thanksgiving long weekend in October. Everything that had happened one month before all came back to me.
Long before I knew Shirley personally, her name had been circulated to me by our mutual friends so many times. An energetic, forthcoming and warm-hearted lady, she used to work at Xinhua News Agency as a reporter before she and her husband who was her co-worker at the Agency moved to US. After she spent a few years at Ford upon the completion of MBA study in US, her whole family migrated up north and settled down in Canada. With her welcoming personality, hospitality, and love for travel and fun stuff, she has gradually made herself known as unofficial CEO (chief event organizer) and CFO (chief fun originator) among her circle of friends. Though there is a big age gap between our kids which has made it hard for us to join their play or party group some time, I finally got a chance to join her and her family and a few other friends at Deerhurst Resort in October.
Deerhurst Resort is located in Muskoka region, a popular tourist destination within 2-3 hour drive north of Toronto in Ontario. Boasting of some 1,600 lakes, it spans 2,500 square miles (6,475 km²) from Georgian Bay to Algonquin Provincial Park. Referred to as "cottage county", the area is sprinkled with picturesque villages and towns, farming communities, and lakeside vacation hotels and resorts close to golf courses, country clubs, and marinas. In recent years, various Hollywood and sports stars have built million-dollar retreats in Muskoka, including Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Mike Weir, Martin Short, Cindy Crawford, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. Among all the famed public resorts in Muskoka, Deerhurst is probably one of the best, recently known to the world as the host for G8 in June 2010.
Deerhurst has been a must-go place for Shirley and her family and many of their friends during the Thanksgiving long weekend in October for the past several years. Having heard so many fun stories about them, we finally paid a visit there with a group of family friends last Christmas and had such a great time with ski and snow-tubing. But the trip would never be perfect without seeing the colors at Deerhurst in fall. Therefore with a fall promotion, I booked the trip again this October.
Two days before the trip, Shirley sent out a local scenery route and several must-stop points. While driving along the local route with so many lakes and nice views instead of the boring cars on the regular highway, I felt so thankful for Shirley's clever advice. When we had a brief rest at Kawartha Dairy, a family owned dairy company with over 70 year history, to taste their so creamy ice cream, I was so appreciative for Shirley's wise suggestion.
We arrived almost at the same time though Shirley and her family tried a new route this time. Without a rest, she hurriedly showed us the direct way to the back of the resort where we could enjoy the most beautiful scenes. It is truly breath-taking, totally different from last time when it was all covered with white snow. And I would have asked several people around in order to get to the right places if not for Shirley.
The time at the resort went by quickly with the swimming, canoe, tennis, basketball and golf. On the eve of Thanksgiving, we gathered at Eclipse restaurant at the resort, ready to have our feast. To our great disappointment, the dinner was not that fantastic as we originally thought.
"Double the price of the Sunday brunch and so much less selection." Shirley complained. "I feel so sorry to ask you in."
"Never mind. As long as we have fun, it does not matter." I comforted her.
"It is my fault. I never tried this buffet even though I have been here so many times..." Shirley continued.
That morning my boy and I had the brunch highly recommended by Shirley. The food tastes amazing and selections are exceptional. But I really did not mind paying so much more in the evening for mediocre food because Shirley had got us in this dinner.
Days after we came back from our trip to Deerhurst, I surprisingly received an email from Shirley.
"The Resort has agreed to give you all 25% discount on the Thanksgiving dinner buffet in consideration of our complaint and in appreciation of us as their valued guests. Please let us know if the discount does not go through your credit card in a few days."
"They have earned their name for their good customer service. But thank you so much.for a successful try. It is totally unexpected and so surprising." I relied in a minute.
"I feel so guilty to get you in. If I did not do something about it, I could not sleep well at night." came back Shirley's response right away.
As I looked at my boy holding the iron with the picturesque scene in his background in the photos, I raised my voice.
"Do you still remember the auntie who took your picture at the golf course at Deerhurst?"
"Of course. She also said nice things to me when she knew I finished 18-hole all by myself." came my boy's reply from the other side of the room.
"Did you say thank you?"
" Yes, I did. But mommy, could you please come to play chess with me now?"
With a mix of smile and sigh, I turned off my laptop and joined him instantly. When we surround ourselves with friends who like to give, we surely learn to be thankful and to give too. And when our friends are the mirrors for us, we are definitely the first to set such role model for our little ones.
On the Green

Practice Swing at the 1st Tee (by Shirley in 2010 Fall)
The 18th Hole
The Beauty of Deerhurst (by Shirley in 2009 Fall)
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